Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Recovery Mode

In the process of recovering from a small health problem and being forced to stay home and remain quiet for a few days I've discovered the joy of reorganising and re editing some older images.  Some not that old, but they were images I'd had a bit of a go at when I first took them and put them aside for a rainy day.

I'm also in the process of slowly moving to Lightroom 4.  Still not entirely happy with the metadata that I can bring in as I upgrade.  I'm keeping versions of LR3 so if (when) they sort it out over at Adobe or when I discover "how"?? I can have another go.

One of the things that always intrigues me when I open an image that I haven't looked at for some time, is the way I see it with new eyes and often I think the 2nd edit is much better.  I always have to be disciplined when I'm in the middle of a major block of time editing work.  I can make an absolute idiot of myself, good judgement right out the door??

Why is it that when completely ensconced in your own world, you can lose all perspective.  My little rule (that is quite often broken) is to not upload anything immediately - and if.... no ...  when I do, to make sure that I head right over to that site the very next day and rescue myself.   The readout on my computer actions these past few days would make interesting analysis as I've pretty much ripped everything I have uploaded off again and started all over.  I think that's one of the things I love the most about the digital world of photography.  Nothing has to be definite and most things can be dressed up with a new look for a new idea.  The trick for me, of course, is to make sure I publish all the versions and don't just write over each one as there is a wonderful treasure trove of my days and my life hidden away midst my photography.

So now for a snippet of what I have found - just a small look.

This gorgeous fellow (below) was in Turkey, not for from Van when our mini bus spotted a wedding party being followed by their friends and family along a main road.  Cars everywhere, horns blaring, red scarves being waved by young people leaning out car windows.

These guys (below) were also in Turkey in a very historic town, Sunliurfa.  We'd been enjoying some street photography in the local meeting place and this snap was taken when these fellows were inspecting the image on my friend's camera.

A tiny village (below) close to the city of Van in Eastern Turkey.  This youth was busy in the workshop.  I've processed this a few different ways and it looks good as a B&W but when I used a different process with a blue tone and stronger contrast I got a completely different impression.

And finally, a pic from western NSW (below).  The old woolshed @ Kinchega, near Menindee bathed in late afternoon light.

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